+Johnson’s done it again! At least we know our Prime Minister is good at one thing, siring children. His latest (of how many we still don’t really know, it was five on the BBC and six in the Guardian) may give the climate change sceptic pause for thought. When the young Jolyon, or whatever his son is to be called gets to the age of 30 he will more than likely be able to travel all the way to the North Pole in a boat. Probably a cruise ship, actually. But by 2050 he may find many more reasons to rue the day he was born.
+From tonight’s No. 10 broadcast on behalf of the Conservative Party I picked up two points. Firstly, Johnson said that predictions suggested there could be up to 500,000 deaths from Coronavirus in the UK. The second was the scientist saying that ‘test and trace’ works best when you have fewer cases to deal with. I was eating a chip at the time (along with a nice Quorn hot’n’spicy burger) and nearly choked. On the latter point, the government abandoned test and trace almost before the famous ‘curve’ began, so we can see where the responsibility lies—but we’re all meant to forget about that. On Johnson’s half a million figure, this prediction seems to be based (looking at my Google search) on only one person’s early suggestion (subsequently drastically reduced), that person being an alleged ‘government advisor’ Prof. Neil Ferguson. I have to say, I’ve heard him on the radio and he does seem to me to be all over the place, but often sounding optimistic which is exactly what the government wants to hear. The key issue here is that one outlying ‘prediction’ (or was it more accurately a scenario) can be used by Johnson to portray the government’s hapless approach as being a success. We’ve ‘only’ seen 27,000 deaths so far. Crack open the Bollinger!
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December 2024