Full Circle: An exhibition by Doug Binder Ropewalk Gallery Barton on Humber To March 4th 2018
Doug Binder is the painter in residence at Dean Clough, Halifax, and has been painting since his student days in the 1950s. I met him once in his cell-like studio in the former carpet mill and was impressed by his self-effacing approach to his painterly craft. His work is immediately recognisable and this exhibition reflects a life-long interest in the human form, captured in various poses in the midst of some generally ill-defined background. His figures, were they not outlined against this abstracted space might meld into them, as if they were dissolving in what I have to say – predominant in this exhibition – is something like a pea and ham soup of green, the ham providing the occasional red or burgundy splash. We all know the effect of red and green combined, there is something uncomfortable about it. Some of the figures look like they’ve been nibbled away, as if unable to resist a shoal of Garra rufa fish. With some of the buttocks the fish would certainly have plenty to go at. It’s all worth a look, but pricey.