I’m still rankling after a close encounter with a late middle aged, arrogant git on his bike cycling on the pavement, who when challenged to keep his distance simply said ‘no.’ Now, my rankling score has shot through the roof as former Supreme Court judge, Jonathan (Lord) Sumption has been given airspace to suggest that the lockdown should be completely ended and people could merely exercise ‘common sense’ in social distancing. He implied that if I, as is my right, wish to socially distance I may do so. But others, enjoying their civil liberties need not, because we live in a free society. So whilst I may seek my two metres distance, others in Sumption’s assessment are quite at liberty to enter said space. This is, as they say, the law of the jungle and one can only marvel at the thought that this legal wizard ever got to sit on the Supreme Court. Maybe he’s been put up to it by the herd immunity herd, preparing us for the day when contagion finally has a showdown with capitalism—under the benign guise of ‘freedom of choice.’ This may also be the approach taken by Piers Corbyn, brother of you know who was arrested today in Hyde Park whilst participating in and indeed encouraging a small crowd to gather to demand their right to protest, chiefly it seems about the ‘link’ between 5G and Covid-19. Where’s David Icke when you need him? Not self-isolating I hope.
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December 2024