It'll soon be time for my annual NHS check-up. I seem to be generally in good shape (did a ten-mile walk last week without the need for an ambulance) but I am worried about my blood pressure, which is slightly above where it ought to be. I wonder what causes this? Perhaps the letter below just sent off to the Guardian may help explain it. (If it's published I will at least have the same thrill as Man City winning the triple, in this case having three letters published in one month. But I'm not holding out much hope.)
Philip Hammond (‘No-deal Brexit would be a betrayal – Hammond’ 21st May) is making a big mistake when he says he wants to respect ‘the British people’s decision to leave.’ His aping of the Brexiteer’s language is not only fallacious it is also dehumanising, in that it suggests a homogeneity that clearly doesn’t exist. The phrase could conceivably be legitimised if 50% + one had voted to leave the E.U. As it was, 37.4% voted leave and 34.7% voted remain. The other 27.9% were insufficiently motivated by the idea either way to bother to vote (which hardly suggests they harboured a burning desire to change the status quo.) Now it seems I, a remain voter am either not one of ‘the people’ or could only be considered so if I accepted a false premise. In this context, I'll go with the former.
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December 2024