9/11: Inside The President’s War Room, shown on the Beeb last night followed minute by minute George W. Bush’s 9/11 transformation from a burbling idiot to a stunning military leader on a par with Alexander The Great. Whilst 9/11 unfolded, the President’s eyes turned into a pair of clenched fists, and his officials all marvelled about how deeply he was considering his options. Current comments by Bush, (recorded very recently anyway) revealed a man with no regrets about the invasion of Afghanistan (which was a resounding success) and an occasional rumination on what makes a great leader. The photos used in the documentary sadly portrayed a man whose favourite American word is ‘Duhhh . . .’ Perhaps the only revealing thing brought to my attention at least in this documentary was Bush’s travelling CIA representative telling the President on Air Force One that the CIA had no grounds to believe the 9/11 attack had emanated from Iraq or Iran, not least since they ‘had nothing to gain from it.’ As it turns out, the US had nothing to gain from invading Iraq either. Supporting that venture was alas Blair’s defining error of judgement.
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December 2024