Theresa May has bottled it and the public is going to wake up on Christmas Day to discover that Brexit is for life and not just for Christmas. A while back it was just a lovely little puppy and nobody realised it wasn’t housetrained. Or, to take a different tack, when May said ‘Brexit means Brexit’ she never comprehended the import of Zeno’s Paradox of Motion. She seems to be stuck in it.
Well, I’m pleased to announce that I have a perfect solution. The only problem now appears to be the ‘backstop’ to prevent a hard border appearing in the island of Ireland. This, as many are now not prepared to acknowledge, was barely mentioned in the 2016 Brexit referendum campaign. To be frank, I doubt that many people on either side really thought very much about it. So let’s now have a second referendum solely on the issue of the backstop. Let’s say that the first referendum, through a simple oversight neglected to address the issue. I’m not sure how exactly the second referendum question would be worded but I guess it should come down to whether or not mainland Brits can be arsed any longer to put up with the never ending game played out in Northern Ireland to keep us tied to Unionist apron strings. A significant majority of Northern Ireland people voted for remain – but when it comes to ‘respecting the referendum result’ the DUP are found living on their own wild, mad planet of denial. It’s time they were sent on their way, and if the rest of the British public want an unimpeded Brexit, the price has to be letting go of the six counties. It could be a price worth paying. And the DUP, taking on board the mainland Brexit votes last time round could hardly complain if that was the result and Northern Ireland left the United Kingdom. Scotland would follow suit of course, but now I'm thinking why not?
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December 2024