If you conclude a tawdry deal with the DUP, why on earth would anyone have any confidence in your ability to conclude a deal on Brexit – where the parameters and subtleties of the negotiations far exceed the intellectual abilities of the retarded political partners you have chosen? Surely this question must have crossed Theresa May’s mind as she battles on to save her sinking ship? The trouble is, that sinking ship is called the United Kingdom, and we’ll all pay the price. Unless a miracle happens (she does go to church every Sunday) May will be toast in the not too distant future – I feel a general election will be forced on her. The question is, what would follow a general election?
The result could be another hung parliament. This time round, the DUP would have the influence (to put it mildly) of shit on a stick. The Tory Brexiteers could I suppose take control of the Tory Party, but there’s a real chance if that happens that some, but not many Tory MPs would peel off – as indeed one or two have already threatened to do. Who would be their leader then? Boris perhaps, compounding their difficulties despite his alleged popular appeal. Labour wants a general election, but I have no idea what our policy towards Brexit would actually be if Jeremy was in No. 10. (It would be tough on my old eyeballs, the amount of rubbing they would get as he stood on the steps of No.10.) Should Labour form a government – perhaps with LibDem support (ugh!) then we would be a lot closer to having a so called ‘peoples’ vote’ (when is a vote not a peoples’ vote?) – the LibDems would demand it as a condition of their support. If it appeared in Labour’s manifesto it would make it easier for Labour to steer clear of the hook that May has impaled herself on. Hasn’t Harold Wilson written a textbook on all this stuff? Anyway, it is going to be Labour’s call if we crash into another general election in which the Tories would have great difficulty explaining themselves. Labour needs to clarify now what its position is - as if a general election were actually around the corner – rather than rely much more on Tory implosion. This position of course should be framed in terms of the Greater Left Alternative. We’re waiting. P.S. If there is to be a 'peoples' vote' it needs to provide a result based on a majority vote of the entire electorate, not a simple majority of those who take part. This is too important. Perhaps such a vote, if it is to be treated as mandatory (the last one was only advisory) should legally require compulsory participation. That should settle it.
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December 2024