This piece of graffiti has appeared on Scarborough’s sea front in the last couple of days. It is somewhat ambiguous, although I doubt the person behind it thought it so. ‘Veganism is not a diet’ could mean that it is not something that’s going to get you slimmer. Try Weightwatchers instead. Or it could be dismissive of ‘Veganuary,’ i.e veganism is not some here today, gone tomorrow new year’s resolution peddled by media lifestyle gurus. What I think the intention behind it is, is that being a Vegan extends well beyond disavowing animal sourced food, but includes everything produced from animals. Having tried and failed to be a vegan I know that is no mean feat. When I tried it, even taking photos was prohibited, since the film stock was coated with gelatin. And then there were the pretend leather shoes made from plastic. So perhaps beneath this graffiti statement lies a cry of despair, that something so serious is not being treated too seriously in the media. But if ‘Veganuary’ raises awareness, why complain? Who knows. Or perhaps it was sprayed by a carnivore. I am supporting Plan B earth – – which “is supporting the emergence of a networked, international movement of legal action to prevent catastrophic climate change.” Despite recent good news, such as the lower cost of UK offshore wind energy, or the admission by industry that fracking in the UK is not what it was cracked up to be – there is still a slovenly attitude on the part of government to meet, and indeed enhance its carbon reduction targets. Some recent announcements suggest, for example on the introduction of electric cars that it can all happen NIMTOO – Not In My Term Of Office. Twas ever thus. is raising money to take the UK government to court. Well worth supporting.
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December 2024